Opportunities for your students

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NEW! Workshop on Critical Thinking around Social Media
Students will learn how to think critically about the information they see on the internet, learn how to check sources and verify that information. Students will need to have access to laptops, chromebooks, or phones for research during this workshop. 
NEW! Dignity Rights Workshop
Students create appellate arguments based on a case out of Europe challenging a police officer’s use of force as a violation of human dignity. Students read, analyze, and synthesize a law, create arguments, and find evidence to support them. Then they practice oral argumentation, all with the help of attorneys in small groups. 
NEW! Workshop on School Desegregation in Delaware
An interactive workshop to take students from Brown v. Board to the present. Students will look at the different laws, cases, and policies implemented in desegregation, as well as the challenges faced. 
Mock Trial Club, Mock Trial Camp!
Have students who like to perform? DELREC will help facilitate a Mock Trial in your classroom! Regardless of the topic, they will learn critical thinking, analysis, synthesis, and argumentation skills. Want to do a mock trial camp over the summer? Just ask us!

And if students want more, HERE is a curriculum to start an informal Mock Trial Club!
Summer Internships
The Summer 2025 Middle School Internship Application is now live! Click HERE to apply. Applications are due by April 15, 2025. 
Civil Discourse Workshop
DELREC will provide an attorney to facilitate and guide students through a structured debate. Topics are simple, such as Eagles vs. Phillies or Mountains vs. Beach, but students will learn how to structure an argument, back it up with evidence, take notes, and format responses- all skills necessary for participation in our democracy!
Citizen Activist Field Trip (DE Historical Society)
 Examining the rights set forth in the 1st Amendment and utilizing primary sources related to the topics of immigration, voting rights, desegregation, and eminent domain, students will explore the ways in which Delaware citizens have been active participants 

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Project Citizen
Project Citizen is a curricular program that promotes competent and responsible participation in local and state government. The program helps participants learn how to monitor and influence public policy. 
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Join the YMCA Youth in Government
Join this thriving program at your local YMCA. Students will have the chance to learn about the legislative process, state parliamentary procedure, and work with students from across the state to develop solutions to problems they see facing Delaware

Flyer - 2024-25 DE Civics Coalition Calendar of Events.pdf
Teacher Resources

Curricula by Grade Level

In partnership with the Center for Civic Education and the Delaware Social Studies Coalition, DELREC is developing law related curricula for every grade level that meets the State Civics Standard.

6th Grade
Learn the basics of criminal trials with THIS three-day scripted mock trial! It comes with a Power Point presentation on the basics of trials, worksheets, and a full script of the State of Delaware vs. Ringo Starr, a robbery case! 
7th Grade: Civics 1B
Click HERE for an engaging curriculum on Federalism and Voting Rights! This meets Civics standard 6-8(1B)! 
8th Grade
1. Mock Trial: Have a week of class where you want students to use critical thinking about a topic or lesson? THIS curriculum will show you and your students how to do a mock trial, from scratch. 
2. NEW Curriculum: Desegregation in Delaware: 1955-Present. Click HERE to access a 5-day curriculum taking students through past and present challenges with desegregating our schools. 

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