
Engaging attorneys with students, and students with attorneys

We can't do this without you: Your participation can make a huge impact

Representation matters. The more we introduce students to a wide range of attorneys, the more we can inspire students to become their own advocates. 


There are many ways you can get involved

Have lunch with a High School or College Student
Let us know if you'd be willing to meet a student for lunch to talk through the process of becoming a lawyer and to help a student make a personal connection with the law. 
Sponsor a First Generation Happy Hour!
We gather monthly to connect first generation students to first generation attorneys. We meet at DECO and help to form organic relationships. 
Read a book to elementary school students
Read a law related book to students and answer questions. We provide the book and the introduction. 
Connect your law firm with a local school
We will partner you with a local school, where you can make connections such as conducting field trips, lunch meetings, community service, or develop your own activities to teach and connect with students. 
Participate in a Know your Rights workshop
Are you a criminal attorney? We are engaging prosecutors and defense attorneys from all three counties in Delaware to not only teach students their rights, but how and when to use them. 
Coach a mock trial team
Spend approximately 1 hour a week for 12 weeks to help local students prepare for Mock Trial Competitions.
Help facilitate an "Argue Like a lawyer" Workshop
We split the class into two groups and teach them how to argue with evidence and respectfully wait their turn to reply. 
Join a Lunch and Learn Panel
Come with us to local schools to have an informal conversation about the law and share your experiences with students of all ages. 

Don't have the time?

We’d love a donation equivalent to an hour of your time

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